Magnitude of Risks and Vulnerability are deep rooted in this project areas. The underlying causes of poverty are enhanced risks, vulnerability and reduced sustainable livelihood promotion interventions beyond natural hazards. The urgent need for reduction of risks and vulnerability at micro level includes: Survival risk (covers food, water, health, sanitation, nutrition and basic needs), Social risk (covers community cohesiveness, ethical and cultural relationships with bett…
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Magnitude of Risks and Vulnerability are deep rooted in this project areas. The underlying causes of poverty are enhanced risks, vulnerability and reduced sustainable livelihood promotion interventions beyond natural hazards. The urgent need for reduction of risks and vulnerability at micro level includes: Survival risk (covers food, water, health, sanitation, nutrition and basic needs), Social risk (covers community cohesiveness, ethical and cultural relationships with better education, entitlement and integration) Economical Risk (covers production, marketing, credit and linkages), Environmental Risk (covers climate change and temperature rise, deforestation and desertification) that is widespread in Orissa to generate assured livelihoods. Further,Very recent study by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that Odisha former Orissa is one of the least developed states. All programs are aiming at addressing poverty but there has gross gap in reality & grass-root initiatives, gender mainstreaming & good governance, community based productive infrastructures, effective implementation, information & transformation, partnership & participation of people, strategic investment in land & water resources and allied policies have failed to yield desirable results. The major worry is also to deepening governance, link & leverage schemes of short/long term food access and availing water resources with an integrated manner. Enhancing capabilities, access to resources, training , partnership will reopen the road for building the capacity to aspire–the aspirations for a better life exist, but the means or capacity to realize those aspirations are lacking. Thus, catalysation process, citizen action, ensuring food & water security energy efficiency and improving the nutritional status are a challenge for the state. On the other, the intensity and frequency of droughts/disasters appear to be increasing every year with declining ground water availability followed by flash floods & these regions are slowly moving towards desertification (Dr. KL Pujari)as reported. The constant degradation of resources base poses a threat to the ability of the community to adapt the needs in the future. Thus, under the changing climatic situation (arising as a result of natural phenomena and or outcomes of human made developments), the relationship between ecology & sustenance has been badly affected in rural and urban setting. The loss of the ecological capital (Land ,water & biodiversity) has added to the rising poverty. Looking at the global climate change and variances, vulnerability and loss of lives, livelihoods & infrastructure will be manifold as it is reported. Major concern is food, water, sanitation, hygiene followed by improving well being. These challenges are the major opportunity to harness resources logically at micro level with integrated land & water, forest resource management , best engagement of stakeholders(women& youths) with strategic & smart investment for agro-ecological development & well being improvement & build the resilience of communities to climate change through ecosystem-based approaches and other supporting adaptation strategies . In order to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth, Integrated water resource management & biodiversity protection & conservation would be an opportunity to accelerate support planning and implementation of initiatives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation enhance water governance, eco-entrepreneurship. It also involves a transformative approach for protection of vulnerable communities integrating gender related considerations and use of gender sensitive indicators into respective planning and capacity building processes simultaneously addresses adverse impact of distress migration, community participation, would be widened the Natural and Social capital towards generating assured livelihood infrastructures for vulnerable and at-risk communities. In this backdrop, utilizing ecologically sensitive alternative methods of Action-Reflection-Advocacy would provide income diversification (using water, land, people & methods of operation, treatment, maintenance of resources) can help to achieve important prerequisites for reducing poverty , drudgery, reducing the financial burden on government also accelerating economical viability & environmental sustainability community resilience . The ultimate goal is to contribute to the well-being of current and future generations and the attainment of global environmental goals (“Water security for all” &”The Future We Want”) This process may be undertaken in Odisha &neighbouring states (Jharkhanda, Chatisgada, West Bengal And Andhrapradesh close to Odisha with equal opportunity, challenges and issues as another kind of next development challgenses.
Project Results
Community Resilience building in rural areas having acute water stress - Deepening governance to Access to water, Land And environmental capital - building capacities of farming community on judicious water management with better engagement -networking , alliance building & promote Citizen action - promote sustainable consumption & production - 1000 Micro-water harvesting structures will promoted/ renovated and /or created -2500 hectors for cop demonstration to ensure food security -250 Hactars of community forest protected as local biodiversity conservation -200 farmers club promoted to undertake climate resilient crops -250 women groups promoted to undertake nutritional farming -250 farmers club promoted to undertake climate resilient crops