UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7174 Locations  -  1617 Organizations  -  2174 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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Summary of action Annual flooding is commonplace in some parts of the world, including where the company operates. Over the last 17 years to address this issue, LafargeHolcim has worked with the local municipality of Bellegarde in the south of … Learn More

De acuerdo con información nacional sectorial, México es el principal exportador de electrodomésticos en Latinoamérica. En 2018 se alcanzó una producción de 9,595 millones de dólares y un crecimiento promedio del 5.5%. Asimismo, por su importancia en la dinámica de … Learn More

Garantizar la continuidad de acceso al recurso de agua en las instituciones educativas, a través de las siguientes actividades: 1. Mantenimiento de pozos de agua subterránea existentes 2. Instalación de bombas tipo lapicero para pozo profundo con elementos de soporte … Learn More

The DROPS project involved the design and construction of Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs) at four LAUSD schools: Normandie Avenue Elementary School, Northridge Middle School, Victory Boulevard Elementary School, Daniel Webster Middle School. This project sought to … Learn More

The Newtown Creek Alliance is a community-based organization that focuses on the area around one of NYC’s most polluted bodies of water and Superfund site, the Newtown Creek. The group’s offices have a green roof on site to help collect … Learn More

Construcción del puente de acceso peatonal al punto de captación y sistema de protección para mitigar la socavación de laderas en el sector "la barcaza" donde se ubica la estructura de captación del acueducto de la cabecera municipal de Puerto … Learn More

New source of energy instead of emissionsThe operator PT Medco E&P Indonesia (MEPI) catches the gas that escapes during oil production instead of flaring it, as has been the case up to now. It is then processed into dry gas … Learn More

DigDeep’s first U.S.-based project, the Navajo Water Project, has brought hot-and-cold running water and solar power to more than 500 off-grid homes on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona for the first time. On the Navajo Nation … Learn More

Collaborators: Teresa Baraza, M.S., and Elizabeth Hasenmueller, Ph.D. Carbonate critical zones (CZs) are often characterized by the presence of dissolution features in bedrock that lead to high connectivity between the surface and subsurface. Carbonate aquifers can therefore be highly susceptible … Learn More

The Enhanced Recharge project is located on the Santa Ana River and will divert up to 500 cubic feet per second (cfs). The project is estimated to recharge on average 15,500 AFY or up to approximately 80,000 AFY of stormwater … Learn More